Tag: woodland garden

Meet a Plant: Pulmonaria

It’s Monday! Let’s meet a plant, shall we?? This week’s plant was inspired by a visit to my partner’s mother’s garden. (For those of you that know Ilze, you know that she has a lovely yard full of botanical treasures!) Her Pulmonaria is already blooming profusely, so that’s the plant we’re meeting today. Pulmonaria (also […]

Meet a Plant: Bergenia

It’s Meet the Plants Monday! For this week’s plant, I’ve picked an early-blooming perennial: meet Bergenia cordifolia, also known as Heartleaf Bergenia or Pig-squeak. (The second name supposedly comes from the sound made from rubbing the leaves together – try it and let me know what you think!) It’s native to Siberia and can grow […]

Meet a Plant: Eastern Hemlock

We’re back again for Meet the Plants Monday! For this week’s plant, we’re going big. Like, tree-sized. Meet Tsuga canadensis, otherwise known as the Eastern or Canadian Hemlock! This is a large evergreen conifer that prefers shaded cool areas with moist soil – it’s actually the most shade-tolerant tree in North America – and it’s […]