Tag: winter interest

Meet a Plant: Eastern Hemlock

We’re back again for Meet the Plants Monday! For this week’s plant, we’re going big. Like, tree-sized. Meet Tsuga canadensis, otherwise known as the Eastern or Canadian Hemlock! This is a large evergreen conifer that prefers shaded cool areas with moist soil – it’s actually the most shade-tolerant tree in North America – and it’s […]

Meet a Plant: Red Twig Dogwood

It’s Meet the Plants Monday again!! This week’s plant is a shrub that you’ve likely seen, especially in winter – Cornus sericea, AKA Red Twig or Red Osier Dogwood. Known best for its bright red canes that are great for winter interest, this Dogwood also has small white flowers in spring, interesting (non-edible) whitish-blue berries […]